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Contributin code the dplib-py is simple as it is a pure Python library. Please read the following instructions:


To start working on the project:

  • Python 3.8+



For development orchestration we use Hatch for Python (defined in pyproject.toml)

pip3 install hatch


Before starting with the project we recommend configuring hatch. The following line will ensure that all the virtual environments will be stored in the .python directory in project root:

hatch config set 'dirs.env.virtual' '.python'
hatch shell # Enter the venv

Now you can setup you IDE to use a proper Python path:



Documentation is written with Mkdocs (defined in mkdocs.yaml). The source articles are in the docs directory. To start a live-reload server:

hatch run docs

Building the docs:

hatch run docs-build


To run all the checks on the codebase:

hatch run test


You need to have a main branch push permissions

Update the version and initiate the release script:

# Ensure you're on the up-to-date `main` branch
hatch version <major|minor|micro>
hatch run release